Jesus is Lord Ministries

This weblog exists to tell the story of Jesus Christ and glorify Him in word and deed in these last days; in Kenya and indeed the rest of the world. - Dr. David Owuor, Jesus is Lord Ministries. ----------------------------------------------- YOU CAN E-MAIL US AT:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Nairobi to be shaken by massive earthquke over sin

Kenyan Analyst has given a pretty good account of what I shared at a press conference today.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm leaving for India...but still have a word for Kenya...

I'm leaving for India and will have to give a major
press conference in Nairobi.

The LORD has Spoken about this country even as I leave for India.

The LORD is Sending me to bring repentance and holiness to the
Indian Subcontinent, and that they too may prepare for
the RAPTURE which is around the corner.

Please help check out the ministry website I have just

Also help link up this site to all who want to read
the RAPTURE magazine that I am making available freely

I will do probaly a live TV Interview on KBC and a
Press Conference and you are welcome to cover it.

The LORD Has Spoken About this country even As I leave.


Dr. Owuor